Steam Statistics - Best of 2018 Until Now
Thursday 12th July 2018, 04:33 | written by: Gabriel SciberrasJust like last year, the PC platform of Steam has just released statistics for the half-year mark, including information such as the best-selling games and the most simultaneous players within the categories of platinum, gold, silver, and bronze. Across the statistics, there are some surprises alongside the titles that you'd expect. So let's take a break from all the esports and look at some games.
Starting off with the top-sellers, expected Platinum titles include PUBG, Grand Theft Auto V, Rocket League and CS:GO to give a few examples. A certain surprise is the feature of Jurassic World: Evolution - a game which I had never heard of, which consists of creating your own Jurassic World. Moving on to Gold, the beauty of diversity is embraced in the wide variety of title present. It's incredible to see titles such as The Elder Scrolls Online and The Witcher 3: Wil Hunt here, games which are 3+ years old. If you move down to the Silver and Bronze division you'll also find other older games too.
However, selling statistics are quite different from those pertaining to simultaneous players. Simultaneous player counts show how well the game is doing at the current moment, and are pivotal for multiplayer games. Only 6 games managed to clock in over 100,000 simultaneous players, and here they are:
- Rainbow Six Siege
- Dota 2
- Warframe
If I'd have to point out a stranger, it would be Warframe. This free-to-play game is a co-op action game found on almost all platforms, including the upcoming version for the Nintendo Switch. When I had played it a while back on the PS4, it did feel a lot like Destiny - but unlike Destiny, it's pulled through in the long run. If you haven't tried it out, I recommend that you do so.
The 'over 50,000 simultaneous players' area is a whole lot more crowded. Titles such as Far Cry 5, Garry's Mod, Civilization V and VI and Skyrim are found here.
To go over the full lists yourself, head on over to Steam's charts over here:
This review was typed out on a new Ozone keyboard which we'll be reviewing very soon. Head's up for two other product reviews too.