Overwatch Double XP Weekend

Overwatch Double XP Weekend

Thursday 8th June 2017, 11:35 | written by: Gabriel Sciberras

The recent Anniversary event for Overwatch, celebrating a year of release for the title, is soon to end; but not before the upcoming double xp weekend. The united Overwatch community will certainly grow in unison this weekend, with all hungry gamers eager to grind out every ounce of weekend.

Whether one chooses to play Escort, Control, Assault or Hybrid double experience will be attained to all aspect of the game. Along with the multiplier remains the group experience boost and the rewarded XP bonus from the First Win of the Day. The voice lines and skins usually barricaded by intense required hours are more accessible than ever this weekend, with sweet Anniversary Loot Boxes rolling in at higher rates.

Luckily for Overwatch players, the developer’s definition of a weekend is rather off; starting Thursday evening and continuing until Monday evening. One will probably do the honourable thing and use up some sick leave.

Be sure to fight for all the delicious XP starting from June 9th at 2.00 am CET and ending on June 13th at 08:59 am PDT.

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