Online Gaming Addiction Statistically Leading to Divorces - Thoughts

Online Gaming Addiction Statistically Leading to Divorces - Thoughts

Thursday 20th September 2018, 07:18 | written by: Gabriel Sciberras

Looking around the web for some inspirational news to cover for all of you, I encountered a shocking piece of information which marries Fortnite and divorce through statistics - how one leads to another. How could such a statement ever be concocted? Well, according to the UK's largest filers for divorce petitions, nearly 5 percent of all divorces this year have blamed an addiction to online games, with special mention of Fortnite, as a culprit of separation. What? 

Such research and information are what is continually fueling the system of thoughts which labels gaming as a  possible 'mental disease', which can't stand, and we're sure you've all heard of this development. The UK company involved is that of, having collected 4,665 petitions from this year; meaning that roughly 200 were gaming-based. According to the company, they aren't surprised at all by this statement, as they boldly stood by recent medical development by saying: 

“No surprise that more and more people are having relationship problems because of our digital addictions.” 

Let's talk about it. Before we discuss and protect the name of gaming, it will be said that it's likely that a few of the cases were indeed due to an incurable addiction, in which one of the partners could not do anything else but game all day. That is one extreme of the situation and one which is indeed an addiction that may lead to the termination of a marriage. On the other hand, here's our reasoning in defending gaming. The internet and online gaming have both become so influential that they are beginning to have an effect on all aspects of life, reaching out and having a presence in our lives due to the fact that we enjoy interacting with the two. Hence, negative things in life such as death, marriage, addictions and others may slowly become correlated with it as online gaming grows as an industry. 

However, the most important aspect of this statistic, which few take notice of, is the fact that the degree of an addiction depends on the person partaking in the 'gaming addiction.' Unlike other surveys, which usually involve a much younger audience and discusses how gaming is affecting the youth and whatever, this information pertains to once-married couples; ADULTS. It's easy to make it sound like online gaming is a vacuum which sucks people in unwantingly, although some games purposely make it easier than others, it is expected that anyone above 18 years of age, especially if they are married, should strike a balance in life. 

Gaming addiction continues to be a hot topic, with politicians claiming violence and parents being rather concerned overall. If gaming is interfering with your relationship, you've got to get your priorities straight - I mean this in no offence, simply referring to the adults involved. Personally, I'm not one to place 'gaming addiction' besides something as serious as drug addiction, saying that it's just as potent, but that's just my opinion. 

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