Nintendo Supporting ARMS Esports
Tuesday 4th July 2017, 12:52 | written by: Gabriel SciberrasThe fighter ARMS has shown enough potential to solidify its future in competitive gaming. Such a brand new fighting game with exciting motion-control gameplay will definitely be an unpaired experience.
To get the ball rolling, Nintendo has planned the ARMS Japan Grand Prix for this autumn. The event is connected to the ARMS online public sparring event that occurred on July 1st, which was not too competitive and was simply a trail to figure out the meta of the title. As expected, the event is to be for Japan players only and qualifiers will be in a multitude of local areas. A schedule is still to arise along with all the dates.
Officially, the Grand Prix is scheduled to be ARMS’ second major event, exceeding the ARMS E3 Invitational which saw the public face off against combat game legend Alex Valle for an opportunity to take home victory.
Kosuke Yabuki, the game producer, has been trying to create a competitive scene ever since its conception and is compelled to conceive the first motion controlled esport ever. Nintendo is now finally seeking to invest and launch this idea.
It’s up to the community to sustain the esport through enthusiasm and backing.