Call of Duty: WWII MP Reveal

Call of Duty: WWII MP Reveal

Friday 9th June 2017, 04:52 | written by: Gabriel Sciberras

Activison has hosted yet another press release and this time have intricately hinted at what one may expect from Call of Duty at E3. Attendance will have a chance to play a pre-alpha version of the shooter, getting a feel of the multiplayer divisions being the new method of customisation. Names of these divisions have already been revealed; Airborne, Mountain, Infantry, Armored and Expeditionary Force. Somewhat similar to the traditional Battlefield class creating system.

Also, at the crowd’s fingertips, is the exciting PVP mode established on a War narrative which looks to surprise. The regarded mode has been exclusively developed by Raven Software, otherwise known for the vital position in creating Modern Warfare; Remastered. Another accessible bit of content at E3 will be the intuitively teased social space in the upcoming game. Personally, this reminds me of Destiny’s Last City, which was created by Activision too. The publisher’s final words on the subject were;

Headquarters, a franchise first reimagining of the Call of Duty Multiplayer ecosystem, giving the community entirely new ways to connect, compete and engage.

How much more will be revealed at E3? What’s left that we don’t know? Questions which Call of Duty enthusiasts are constantly contemplating.

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